GROW is a therapeutic wellness framework that sees and educates the whole child. GROW places an emphasis on supporting staff and students to regulate their nervous systems through evidence-based strategies, therefore helping them to feel safe, connected, and ready to learn.

Brain States and Coaching Strategies: There are distinct brain-body states based on varying levels of stress activation that ultimately drive behavior. These brain states include: (1) executive/learning, (2) emotional and (3) survival. By understanding and identifying students' brain states students and responding with appropriate coaching strategies, we can best support students by meeting their needs.
Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS): Implementing CPS involves (1) changing your lens on behavior, (2) identity lagging skills & unsolved problems, and (3) solving problems collaboratively and proactively.
Chill Space: Students have access to a calming and supportive environment to utilize self-regulation skills as needed.
Brain Breaks: Classes engages in brief moments of time where everyone pauses to engage in a coping skill.
Connected Relationships: Students learn best when they feel safe and connected. Staff provide students with specific praise, choices and warm and responsive interactions to facilitate positive relationships.
GROW Family: Practices, rituals and activities that build a sense of belonging and community are essential to student wellness.
Wellness Time: Students engage in student-driven, fun and non-contingent activities on a regular basis.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons: Students receive weekly explicit instruction on SEL skills that are then incorporated into curriculum.
Counseling: Individual and Group counseling occurs with a Mental Health professional on a weekly basis.
Nurturing Environment: The classroom environment plays an important role in how students learn. Having a clean and organized room, artwork and visuals on the walls, and snacks and water readily available help create a nurturing learning environment for students.
Data Tracking: Data collection practices are in place and used to effectively monitor student progress toward IEP goals.
Effective Academic Instruction: There are several aspects to providing effective academic instruction in GROW classrooms. We focus on having lessons are thoughtfully planned to address learning objectives and using differentiated instruction that is matched to individual student needs.